
If you are a resident of the District:

Obtain Mosquitofish

Mosquitofish are provided free of charge at the District. Fish can be picked up Monday–Friday from 9:30 am–3 pm.

Come to Our Office
6750 Centinela Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230

What Are Mosquitofish?


Mosquitofish, (Gambusia affinis) are native to the southern and eastern parts of the U.S. and were first introduced to California in 1922 for mosquito control.

Instead of using chemicals to control mosquitoes, mosquitofish can be an attractive and effective alternative.

Breeding Behavior, Feeding, and Care?

mosquitofish brood

Breeding Behavior

  • Do not lay eggs.
  • Give girth to well-developed, active young.
  • 50-100 young per brood.
  • Breed throughout the summer (when mosquitoes are most active).
mosquito larvae


  • Can eat up to 100 larvae per day.
  • Do no require feeding if natural food is present (larvae, bacteria, algae, etc.).
  • Fish food or crushed dog food may be used to feed fish for a short time if natural food is scarce (in winter or newly constructed or recently cleaned water sources).
mosquitofish in rocks


  • Fish may not eat mosquito larvae if overfed.
  • Mosquitofish may need hiding places (rocks and vegitation) if living with larger fish.
  • Avoid using chlorine and other chemicals to clean water sources.

Where Can I Stock Mosquitofish?

As mosquitoes need standing water in order to breed, mosquitofish are suitable for man-made, permanent sources of water such as:

  • Ornamental ponds
  • Unmaintained swimming pools
  • Fountains
  • Water gardens
  • Animal water troughs

Mosquitofish should never be placed in any natural habitat (lakes, rivers, streams) as their introduction into certain natural habitats may disrupt the existing ecological balance.

ornamental pond

Do I Need a Permit to Stock Them?

Not for artificial bodies of water on your property, but it is against California Department of Fish and Game regulations for private citizens to plant mosquitofish in waters of the State without a permit.

(Title 14 CCR, Fish and Game Code, Section 1.63, Section 6400, and Section 238.5)

public waters

Can They Live with Other Fish?

Compatible Organisms

  • Goldfish
  • Koi
  • Carp

Incompatible Organisms

  • Bass
  • Perch
  • Bluegill
  • Catfish
  • Frogs
  • Turtles
  • Crayfish

Mosquitofish may need hiding places (rocks and vegitation) if living with larger fish.

Where Can I Obtain Mosquitofish?

Come to the District Office

Mosquitofish are provided free of charge to residents of the District to place in artificial bodies of water on their property (i.e. ponds and fountains).

If you are a resident of the District:

Obtain Mosquitofish

6750 Centinela Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230
Monday–Friday, 9:30 am–3 pm